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Local History Collections

Strotter Brown.jpg

The Life of Daniel Howell Hise 1846-1878 and Addendum Diary by Edwin Hise 1879-1883.

Compiled and edited by Robert W. Audretsch. 

Strotter Brown

In honor of Strotter Brown a former slave who settled in Salem, Ohio after the Civil War. 

Salem Map.PNG

This map was created by Strobridge & Co. Lith, Cincinnati, O. and hangs in the non-fiction stacks of the library. There is a numbered guide at the bottom to identify certain buildings on the map.


For more maps by Strobridge & Co. visit the Panoramic Maps Collection at the Library of Congress.

AntiSlavery Bugle.PNG

Newspaper Published: New-Lisbon, Ohio : Ohio American Antislavery Society, 1845-1861.


Not published June 27-July 18, 1845.
Published in: New Lisbon, Ohio, June 20, 1845-Aug. 29, 1845, and: Salem, Ohio, Sept. 5, 1845-May 4, 1861.


Publisher: Executive Committee of the Western Anti-slavery Society, 1848-1861.
Printers: John Frost, 1845; J.H. Painter, 1845-1846; G.N. Hapgood, 1846-1848.


Editors: Benjamin S. Jones, J. Elizabeth Hitchcock, 1845-1846; Benjamin S. Jones, J. Elizabeth Jones, 1846-1849; Oliver Johnson 1849-1851; Marius R. Robinson, 1851-1859; Benjamin S. Jones, 1859-1861.

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