This index contains records of obituaries that have appeared in the Salem News from 1934 to 2023.
2024 records are entered in the index within a month after appearing in the Salem News.
1934 records are now being entered and will be posted when year has been completed.
The results page will give you a list of all indexed obituaries for that last name with a link to more details to confirm your search.
When you have found the obituary you are interested in you can use the form to submit the name of the deceased and the date the obituary appeared in the Salem News.
The library will email you a copy of the original obituary from the Salem News.
You may request up to five obits per day.
The following date ranges are missing from our Salem News microfilm collection and are not included in this database:
June – October 1934
January – March 1964
March – April 1966
September – October 1969
July – August 1974