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Salem Public Library 
Guest Internet Access

User must agree to library computer use policy.

Integral to the mission of the library is providing resources to meet the lifelong information needs of the diverse population being served. The library develops collections, resources, and services in various formats to meet these needs. It is within this context that the Salem Public Library offers access to the Internet through the services of the Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN), a network linking all public libraries in Ohio. OPLIN has as its goal achieving equity of access and providing access to global information for all citizens. The library affirms that unrestricted and equal access to all constitutionally protected material is the basis for our democratic system. Intellectual freedom grants every individual the right to seek and receive information from all points of view without restriction. Intellectual freedom provides for free access to all expressions of ideas through which any and all sides of a question, cause or movement may be explored. Censorship is a purely individual matter. The library affirms an individual's right to reject for himself or herself information of which he or she does not approve. No individual, however, can exercise the right of censorship to restrict the freedom of others to access information of their choosing. The library affirms that it is the responsibility of a parent/guardian/custodial caregiver to monitor information accessed by his or her children under the age of eighteen. No restrictions on access to information are made by the library. The library will not act in loco parentis, nor assume the functions of parental authority in the private relationship between parent and child. All parents/guardians/custodial caregivers are encouraged to take an active role in helping their children access information most appropriate to their needs.

Through OPLIN the library provides access to reference and serial databases, legislative materials, historical and archival information, readers' advisory services, and homework centers to assist students in their research. It is understood by users of OPLIN and the Internet that most of the information available is not generated by the Salem Public Library or by OPLIN. OPLIN and the library are not able to monitor or control the content of information available on the Internet, and are not responsible for the content of networked information available, which often changes rapidly and unpredictably. Information available through OPLIN and the Internet is not warranted by the library or OPLIN to be accurate, authoritative, factual, legal, reliable or complete. The availability of networked information through the library does not constitute any endorsement or ratification of that information. All users of this resource agree to indemnify and hold the library and OPLIN harmless from any and all claims, losses, damages, obligations, or liabilities directly or indirectly, relating to the use of OPLIN and the Internet, caused thereby or arising there from. In no event shall the library or OPLIN have any liability for lost profits or for indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages or any liability to any third party, even if the library or OPLIN is advised of the possibility of such damages. Access to the wireless network is at the user’s risk. The library assumes no responsibility for any damage, theft, or loss to a user’s equipment, software, data files, or other personal property brought into or used at the library that may occur while connected. Virus and security protection is solely the user’s responsibility. The library does not provide technical assistance to configure a user’s equipment or software for wireless access, and assumes no responsibility for any configuration alterations. No guarantee of privacy is made in regards to computer use. Users are encouraged to review the security of any site before transmitting data. Any data transmitted may be unsecured and while in transit may be observed by a third party or directed to an alternate site. Documents and records created on the library computers that interact with other public entities are subject to the public records laws that pertain to those agencies. Such documents and records become public records of those agencies.

Acceptable use of OPLIN and Internet resources includes sharing and retrieving of data and information for educational, informational, and recreational use. Users of OPLIN and the Internet are responsible for all copyright compliance in accordance with Title 17 of the United States Code, software licensing agreements and for avoiding any and all infringements. Infringement compliance rests solely with the user. The library reserves the right to confiscate illegal copies generated on library equipment. Prohibited uses of OPLIN and Internet resources include illegal activity, political lobbying and two-way communication in real time activity. The use of OPLIN and the Internet to engage in any activity that constitutes violation of local, state, federal and/or international laws is strictly prohibited. Respect for all users is required. OPLIN and Internet users may not harass other users via computer communication or through graphic images which may be reasonably construed as obscene and/or which passersby can view. Acts of libel, slander, defamation, fraud or plagiarizing are strictly prohibited. Access to sites containing text or graphic material deemed unlawful by the Ohio Revised Code is strictly prohibited. Users may not represent themselves as another person. Respect for computers and networks is required. Users may not seek unauthorized access to library or network computer systems or files with the intent of violating computer security, altering system or network configurations, altering system or network access codes, sabotage, or cause damage through the placing of viruses, worms or embedded messages. Users are responsible for any damage to hardware, software or data. The library reserves the right to stop access to inappropriate sites, and will stop access to unlawful sites. The library reserves the right to temporarily withhold or permanently suspend access privileges to anyone misusing the OPLIN/Internet service.

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